
Great idea!!

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Where is there a list of the emails for the editors and publishers of major news outlets so we can send them the message to listen to They Stand Corrected and stop the biased reporting?

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Great question! There is no master list anywhere but as a rule if you Google the name of the news agency and look for who the top executives are, you can find emails. If it's a print outket, try googling the name and the word "masthead." Also, sometimes you can find emails in the "about" sections of their websites. If you have trouble, let me know which agency you want to contact and I'll get you information!

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Thanks josh. There are a number of people/organizations creating easy to click email sends. Mothers Against Campus Antisemitism. 5 Minutes Today (Activism. Simplified). And I get others. I wonder if it might be good to create the list and make it easy for TSC subscribers or even non subscribers to send to the leaders of media organizations and S&P enforcers in one click.

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