The Media's Misleading You About Why People Voted for Trump
Plus, how much of a role did the media itself play?
Before I dig into today’s episode, an announcement: Thanks to a paid partnership, each of you who clicks this unique link to hear the new podcast Stars of David will be supporting They Stand Corrected. Limited time only, so click now to listen while you read this newsletter! Enjoy:
Now onto my new episode…
The media has been inundating you with alleged reasons Trump beat Kamala. A lot of these hot takes conflict with each other. In the latest episode of They Stand Corrected, I tell you what’s factual and what’s just conjecture. For example, there's no sign that voters focused on the economy or immigration gave Trump any kind of huge margin.
To plan for a post-election future, everyone needs to understand why Americans made their choices.
I also take on a ludicrous op-ed in the New York Times that twists facts and figures in a desperate effort to blame Kamala’s loss on support for Israel.
Plus, some listeners asked how much of a role the media itself played in this election. I share findings about the lack of civic knowledge in America.
If you want to see some of the reports I refer to, here you go:
This PBS interactive includes a tiny dot for foreign policy
NBC News: “Just 4% named foreign policy”
Politico: Where people get their news is a “key determinant” of how they vote
Civic literacy surveys: U.S. Chamber Foundation, ABA, Pew Research
Study of NYT’s war coverage: ‘errors, omissions, poor editorial supervision’
Let me know what else you’d like to see, and I can add it in the next newsletter.
What you can do
I have written to top executives at the NYT about Peter Beinart’s disastrous, nonsensical screed. You can send a similar note. Be sure to cc me so they know I might cover it. Send this newsletter and/or the episode to any and all email addresses you find for folks at the New York Times, including:,,, and
Remember, if you are a paid subscriber here, I show you how to access tons of news sites for free. For me, that includes the NYT. It most likely will for you as well.
Before you go
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P.S. Paid subscribers, a note for you follows.