How a Small Plumbing Company Hoodwinked the Media About Dads
And why 'nonfiction' books can be packed with fiction
Hi all! In the latest episode of They Stand Corrected (Episode 28), I help you understand why “nonfiction” books are not automatically trustworthy sources of truth. Sadly, books operate under even worse rules than news agencies do.
I take you through this using a (relatively light) example that’s right in my wheelhouse: a crazy claim about dads, based entirely on negative stereotypes.
It involves a major U.S. online news site, a top newspaper in the UK, a small plumbing company, and more. It’s one of myths I have busted at my Dad Facts page.
These kinds of myths hurt women as much as they hurt men. They drive backward ideas about dads as caregivers, making it harder for us to get equal opportunities to care for our loved ones — which, in turn, holds back women’s careers. (I’ve given speeches about this everywhere from Oxford to the U.N.)
ICYMI, previous episodes that go into dad myths include:
A new episode should be out this Wednesday. Be sure to subscribe, rate, review, etc. Big love,
P.S. Speaking of dadhood…